Tuesday, October 25, 2016


You may not find these fruits growing anywhere near your apple orchards, but this tropical fruit offers a ton of health benefits. Papayas are high in vitamin C, which helps support your immune system, protect against arthritis, and prevent cardiovascular disease.
They are also rich in fiber and antioxidants, and this together makes the papaya an effective fighter of cholesterol build-up in the arteries, which again works to prevent heart disease. If you’re feeling hungry, this fiber-rich fruit offers a filling snack without a ton of calories — there are only 67 calories in one small fruit.

Not only are papayas rich in vitamins, but they’re also great for relieving menstrual symptoms — the enzyme in papaya, called papain, assists in regulating menstrual flow and easing cramps. Try reaching for this fruit the next time you experience pain associated with your monthly cycle.

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