Friday, August 19, 2016


In November, Charlie Sheen surprised the world when he revealed his HIV-positive status. But what many found even more shocking was his declaration that he was unable to pass HIV to potential partners because the antiretroviral medications (ARVs) he takes had removed any trace of the virus from his body — making transmission virtually impossible. It turns out that Sheen may not have been spouting nonsense after all.

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis — the assistant commissioner of the Bureau of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control at the NYC Department of Health — has become the first major American public health official to endorse “negligible” transmission. HIV patients with undetectable viral levels who faithfully  take their medications “cannot actively transmit HIV, and we should not treat them that way,” he recently declared.

Daskalakis’ stance is nothing new in Europe, where health officials have spoken of negligible transmission for years. But their American counterparts have operated far more conservatively — until now. “Our job in NYC is to lead the nation with data, rather than fear,” Daskalakis tells The Post. “Our department operates from a base in science, and the science on this is consistently clear.”

The tall, slim Daskalakis makes for an unlikely disease-prevention messenger, with his stylish beard, groovy tattoos and the occasional piece of leather gear. When not combating public health scourges, Daskalakis can be found leading classes at Monster Cycle, the goth-inspired Soho spinning studio he co-owns with his husband.

Still, it doesn’t mean you should ditch protection when doing the deed. Daskalakis’ department passes out 34 million condoms each year citywide. Instead, he hopes the news will reduce the stigma affecting those living with HIV. “People who are successfully managing their HIV are not disease spreaders,” Daskalakis says. “They’re responsible New Yorkers taking care of themselves and their communities.”  (NYP)

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