Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Kenya's controversial former first lady, Lucy Kibaki, has died in a London hospital of an undisclosed illness.
She gained notoriety for slapping a cameraman in 2005 when she stormed the offices of a private media group in anger at the way a story about her had been reported.

In a tribute to Mrs Kibaki, President Uhuru Kenyatta praised her for her role in fighting HIV/Aids in Kenya.
Mr Kenyatta succeeded her husband Mwai Kibaki, who governed from 2002 to 2013.
Mrs Kibaki, who was born in 1940, had withdrawn from public life during the latter part of her husband's rule.
She was last seen at a public function in August 2010, when she seemed excited about the adoption of a new constitution, dancing to a famous gospel song, Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper reports.

In 2005, she stormed into the house of her neighbour, the World Bank's then-country director Makhtar Diop, in a tracksuit at midnight and demanded he turn his music down at a private party to mark the end of his posting in Kenya.
She also went to the local police station in shorts to demand that Mr Diop and his guests be arrested for disturbing the peace.
Later, she burst into the offices of the influential Nation Media Group with her bodyguards and demanded that the reporter who had written about her confrontation with Mr Diop be arrested.

She slapped cameraman Clifford Derrick who was filming her and refused to leave the offices until 0530 the next day.

He tried to sue for assault, but the case was thrown out of court.
In 2007, Mrs Kibaki was filmed by Nation TV slapping an official during an Independence Day celebration at State House.
Security officials seized the video images and erased the slapping incident, before returning them.[BBC]

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