Monday, November 14, 2016


I woke up this morning to watch the news. I tuned in to channels TV station and after the newspaper review, one of them made mention of the picture of a baby's tribal mark all over the social media but since the picture was not shown i thought it was nothing serious. On accessing the internet and i saw this baby and it clicked that this was what the staff of channels TV was talking about.
While we are yet to have victory over female genital mutilation , I, think our government or the appropriate body  should look into this issue of tribal mark/s.

For goodness sake this is 2016 not 1800. How can some one do this to  a baby and call it tribal mark? If this must be done, it should be done in moderation not leaving marks on the baby's  face as if  a wild cat attacked the baby.

This could lead to infection not to talk of the child being bullied at school or in the society. 

This was maliciously done and who ever that is responsible should be prosecuted.

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