Sunday, August 14, 2016


Oklahoma Archbishop Paul Coakley has issued a “call to prayer” in response to an announcement from a group called the “Dakhma of Angra Mainyu,” which is once again hosting a satanic black mass as well as a “Consumption of Mary” event in the Oklahoma Civic Center on August 15, the Catholic Marian feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven.

Archbishop Coakley sent a letter to his diocese last week asking parishioners to participate in an ecumenical prayer walk and service on that day.
“I am encouraging the faithful and people of good will to pray together for healing and peace, and for the Lord to watch over our community and protect us from evil and its many destructive and violent manifestations,” Coakley said in a statement.

“Two years ago, a local satanist generated considerable controversy when he announced that he would be conducting a black mass during which he intended to desecrate a consecrated Host before an audience of paying customers at the Civic Center in downtown Oklahoma City,” the archbishop wrote of Dastur Adam Daniels, the group’s leader.

Archbishop Coakley sued Daniels for the return of the consecrated host, which he said was stolen from the archdiocese. The lawsuit was dropped when the consecrated host was returned to the archdiocese before the planned desecration.

“On Divine Mercy Sunday, this same satanist announced from the steps of the capitol that he intends to conduct still another anti-Catholic ritual on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Aug. 15,” Coakley wrote. “Once again, this event will be for paying ticket holders at the Civic Center. Again, he will mock the Blessed Mother and conduct a black mass, though presumably without a consecrated Host.

“On this occasion, he will also mock people of the Muslim faith by including in his devilish mix burnt pages from the holy book of Islam, the Koran.”
The Archbishop said he is “encouraging the Catholic faithful and other Christian people to pray for the conversion of this man and for all who have not yet come to know the Lord of Life.”

“As the local government has refused to interfere with this abhorrent, blasphemous worship that is being publicly sanctioned in our community, we trust that our government – local, state and federal – will reaffirm its commitment to protect the religious liberty of Christians and other believers as well,” Archbishop Coakley concluded.

Daniels told the Oklahoma Gazette that “his church’s practices draw from the occult, Zoroastrianism and elements of Eastern theologies such as Tantrism and Hinduism. Daniels said some satanic magic and rituals traditionally call for animal sacrifices and eating human flesh, but his church finds alternatives. For example, his congregation uses human menstrual fluid instead of animal blood.”

“You’re basically going to have three rituals going on at the same time,” Daniels said of the August 15 event. “We’re trying to show people how chaotic we are in nature and how chaotic our religion is. It’s all based on chaos.”
He described how a statue of Mary will have a pig’s heart placed inside it and the statue will be smashed so a priestess of his group can eat the pig’s heart, thus “consuming” Mary.

The announcement on the Civic Center’s website describes the event as having “2 separate rituals that will show the evolution from Satanism to Ahrimanism. The first ritual will the Black Mass as done in 2014, and the second ritual will be the Consumption of Mary by Jai Kali Maa. The second ritual will educate the public on the practice of Ahrimanism.”

The Civic Center also warns that attendees should be "16 years of age and above, due to adult content."
Oklahoma City has promised Archbishop Coakley to review its advertising and promotion policies in response to the Archbishop’s August 1 letter to the mayor, in which he said that the city was "compounding the mockery" of the Catholic faith through its promotion of the event through mailings and billboards.

Mayor Mick Cornett’s Chief of Staff Steve Hill argued that the city has an obligation to remain neutral when it comes to the content of performances in public spaces such as the Civic Center, but said, "At your urging, we are reviewing our policies in regard to advertising and promotion of all shows at the Civic Center." (cns news)

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