Sunday, August 14, 2016


Every thing that could go wrong went wrong for the Nigerian participants in the Rio 2016 Olympics especially for the Dream Team.

Some of the athletes went on social media soliciting for funds, the Minister of Sports referred the  Federal Republic of Nigeria as United States of Nigeria, Wrong National anthem was sang at the opening ceremony, track suit was worn instead of a beautiful ceremonial outfit yet we are quick to print beautiful political wrappers which are given out for free for political campaigns, to mention but a few.

The Dream team were stranded in America until an alarm was raised then a presidential jet was sent which took them to Brazil 5hours to their first match and they scaled through . To think that coach Siasia is being owed salary for some months is quite embarrassing. Nigeria made it to the semi -finals by beating Denmark.

The can-do spirit is in us , if only our elected leaders can encourage us by not abusing the office we voted them into.

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