Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Strawberries stimulate the production of leptin and adiponectin hormones. These two hormones function by increasing metabolism and burn fat efficiently, making for great fruits to aid in your weight loss program.
Strawberries also have anti-inflammatory enzymes that aid in the healing of tissue damage which may occur when you exercise extensively in your quest to lose weight.

 Lemons are high in vitamin C and citric acid. They are also rich in fiber which helps reduce constipation, indigestion and obesity.

Fresh apricots are an excellent choice for weight watchers, or those wishing to shed a few extra pounds. Apricots is full of insoluble fiber that absorbs water and contributes to a feeling of fullness in your stomach.
Apricots also promote quicker movement of food through your digestive channel and help maintain a healthy immune system. They contain an abundance of beta carotene which is an antioxidant and beneficial for your body.

Coconut fruit contains oil that has a thermogenic effect, which means it has the ability to raise body temperature. This means metabolic rate and overall energy consumption which enables a person to lose weight more easily.
The fruit also has enzymes that increase the metabolism of the liver. The liver is then able to regulate sugar more efficiently, preventing increase in blood sugar levels which is associated with obesity.
Coconut is also full of medium chain fatty acids that cannot be stored in the body as fat. Eating coconut also makes one feel full easily to prevent over eating.

 Pomegranate packs antioxidants which help in eliminating toxins in the body. Pomegranate also reduces storage of bad cholesterol otherwise known as Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Some studies have shown that pomegranate cause a person’s appetite to shrink and thus consume less food.

Cantaloupe also known as muskmelons or rock melon is a fruit that is rich in vitamin A, C and B. Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes while vitamin C helps protect your body from free radicals by stimulating the white blood cells to fight infections fast.
This fruit also has high fiber content. All the nutrients packed in this fruit guarantees a healthy body. Having a healthy body means having the right mechanism for efficient carbohydrate metabolism, ensuring fat burning instead of fat storage.

 Papayas are loaded with an enzyme called papain which promotes digestion and prevent stomach ulcers. Papayas are also rich in vitamin A and C. Including papayas in your diet will result in efficient and quick digestion of food, therefore eliminating sugar storage in the body.

 Blackberries are full of fibers and are packed with vitamin C. The high fiber content in this fruit means that your body will utilize more energy digesting them than storing sugars. Blackberries also work as a great snack which curbs sugar cravings so that you don’t reach out for that cookie or dessert outside of meal times.

   Blueberries have gotten attention as a superfood and efficient fat fighters. They are full of phytonutrients, are sweet and low in calorie. Consuming blueberries not only aid in weight loss, but also help to eliminate free radicals which cause cancer. Research done by Texas Women’s University show that blueberries fight fat cells and can result in weight loss.

 Oranges are full of Vitamin C which is a key ingredient in the production of collagen, a protein that keeps your skin looking fresh by preventing sagging and aging. Being a great source of water, vitamins and fiber, oranges ensure your skin always remain youthful while your body continually sheds off  excess weight.

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