Thursday, March 17, 2016


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Who would you now leave your wards in care of?
The woman leaves her children with the 'Man of God ' thinking that they are in safe hands , not knowing that the man has ulterior motives.

The man is meant to be a 44 year old Deacon by the name Obinna Aneke of Jesus Saves  Church, a Pentecostal Church in Lagos.
The arrangement was a lot easier for the minors mother as one of  Deacon Aneke's daughters is in the same class with the victim. The Deacons wife is a petty trader that leaves for business in the morning and gets back in the evening.

Unfortunately the Deacon decided to be taking advantage of his daughters class mate who is only seven years old. This ugly incident continued until on Tuesday, the deacon threatened the little girl that if she tells anyone, that he would kill her, the girl then told her parents out of fear of being killed.

The child was taken to the hospital and it was confirmed that there was a penetration and the culprit is in police custody though claiming that he was influenced by evil forces.

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