Thursday, September 1, 2016


Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, who is the sixth richest person in the world with an estimated $54.2 billion fortune, on Thursday literarily taught Africans how to eat with bare hands in Kenya.
Zuckerberg landed in Nairobi on Thursday after his trip to Lagos, Nigeria.
According to the young ceo, the purpose of the trip is to meet with entrepreneurs and developers and to “learn more about mobile money, where Kenya is the world leader.”

His first stop was at iHub, Nairobi’s technology center that provides programmers, developers, and other technology workers a space to innovate. “I’m starting at a place called iHub, where entrepreneurs can build and prototype their ideas,” Mr. Zuckerberg explained. 

“Two of the engineers I met, Fausto and Mark, designed a system to help people use mobile payments to buy small amounts of cooking gas, which is a lot safer and better for the environment than charcoal or kerosene.” He visited a similar space, CCHub, in Lagos. (DT)

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